Allen S Henry Bulding

Other Tutoring Services At The SSSC

Group Study Sessions

Reserve Supplemental Instruction (SI) study sessions on the HUB.

Off-Campus Tutoring

The SSSC provides a limited number of tutoring appointments for middle school and high school students during the academic year, one per student each week. The service is provided at no cost to the community. For more information, please call the office at 321-674-7110.

Peer Tutoring At The SSSC

The SSSC diligently works to provide in-person and virtual tutoring assistance to the Florida Tech student body for subjects such as physics, aviation, engineering, business, psychology, and composition. The tutors eagerly wait to assist with academic needs, whether to review homework, prepare for exams, or help ensure understanding of the course material. Students may make a tutoring appointment online, call the office at 321-674-7110, or drop in to set up an online or in-person tutoring session. The tutors have flexible schedules, so students may contact the office if their availability differs from the times listed.

Why Peer Tutoring?

Peer tutoring allows students to work with other Florida Tech students to learn together and reinforce learning strategies in a relaxed space that is both academic and social. Working with a peer tutor can encourage students to ask questions and seek solutions that they may not consider in the formal classroom or office setting.

Peer tutors at the SSSC are trained according to guidelines established by the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). The ongoing professional development ensures that both students and tutors have the necessary knowledge and resources to work to the best of their abilities.

Successful students understand and use their resources on campus, which includes peer tutoring and group study sessions. Tutoring, either through individual sessions or group meetings, helps students by providing an opportunity to reflect and review in a multimodal and socially engaging environment. Peer tutoring and group study give students the chance to review material in a more flexible and sometimes less intimidating environment with current Florida Tech students who can relate to the demands and pressures of university life and academic expectations. Meeting with a writing instructor can help students meet the challenges presented in communications courses.

Students may prepare for a tutoring session by calling or stopping by the SSSC to learn more or by making an appointment online. Students should consider making peer tutoring or group study sessions part of their academic success plan from the beginning of their college experience.

To prepare for a tutoring session, students should bring textbooks, notes, completed homework, study guides, and graded quizzes or exams. Having material from the course gives both the students and the tutors a starting point for the tutoring session. Students should expect to work through problems, draw diagrams, engage in discussions and explanations, and participate actively. The SSSC has a limited number of course textbooks, so students should bring their own material or devices to access ebooks. 

Interested In Becoming A Tutor?

Peer tutors at the SSSC are undergraduate students who have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and a grade of A in the courses they wish to tutor. The SSSC takes volunteers throughout the semester and posts openings through Career Management Services for paid tutoring positions. Students who are interested in volunteering can stop by the SSSC and speak with the associate director about the training and peer tutor certification process.