High-tech visualization of a brain
Self-Regulation and Motivation

Self-regulation and motivational processes are important to a wide range of behaviors, including those related to job performance, educational achievement, and health-related outcomes. The Self-Regulation and Motivation Research Team aims to examine the internal and external influences involved in gaining control over one's thoughts, emotions, and actions that drive important organizational behaviors.

Our research focuses on: 

  • Self-regulation processes 
  • Self-regulatory traits
  • Motivation
  • Procrastination
  • Workplace distractions
  • Personality measurement

In the area of self-regulation, our recent and current projects have examined self-control trajectory, impact of self-control on daily interruptions, and performance predicted by subtle nuances in personality dimensions.

Faculty AdvisorDr. Patrick Converse  

Team Philosophy

The overarching goal of the self-regulation and motivation research team is to conduct theory-based research with implications for employees and organizations. This is accomplished in a collaborative atmosphere in which team members work together through all stages of the research process.

Principal InvestigatorDr. Patrick Converse

Team Members: Keemia Vaghef, Lisa S. Moore, Katrina Merlini, Nick Moon, Nick Rosemarino